Stenopelmatus/Jerusalem cricket or potato bug
3 D Max & Photoshop Painting
Creature Design Dystopia World Project
ree provided me with a maya model screeshot for the bug and I tried to create something different . Dystopia shows a world which is post apocalyptic , yet it is governed by a ruthless dictator who could be a human being or a machine or an amalgamation of both . Who is precise as a clock , shiny and lifeless like steel ! It crawls on a leaf , depicting
the dominance over natural resources.
The potato bug depicts a low key agent of that dictator . I drew an old and rusty helmet with a shiny and reflective back for the bug , depicting the contradiction .

Dirty Hand
This creature design is kinda tricky . The dirty hand depicts a robot which does all the dirty works for the dictator
or in this scenario , the corrupt corporate . According to Sree , it has to portray temptation , power , squalor and obedience towards the dictator .
I started with a 3d hand screenshot and painted over the Helmet . I've chosen the texture of the hand carefully which represents the dirt primarily , in order to have a contrast with the thick red lips which represents temptation . The nails send out a clear warning that thou should not mess with me !
The glittering golden handle depicts the fact that there's lot of money riding to do the dirty work .

This creature is massive and is carrying someone very important .The beast is completely under control and obeys every command . Hence I added a helmet with an antenna depicting the same mechanical obedience . The carriage is more like a cocoon here depicting a cabin for a mysterious life form , with two very solid frameworks embedded in the body of the Diplodocus . Primarily a screenshot of a Maya model forms the basis of this design with draw overs thereafter .

According to the main idea of the this shot , the pigeons represents frail and weak governments , primarily a pawn in the hands of the corporate bodies .
The rock pigeon's texture with the grooved mechanical helmet with big blue and lifeless eyes almost shows a sad and frightened entity whose wings are clipped.

The Pteranodons are supposed to be like spying drones in this universe hunting for a lifeform. However , Sree
wanted these guys to don a separate hat , which is of the Klan's ! these Pteranodons depict the white supremacist groups scanning the area for a successful recruited. Hence the white Hat and the blue lifeless eyes to portray
the loyalty towards the dictator .

3The tanks represent war in this universe . I tried a vintage look with the torn threads hanging in the front , which depicts people's lives , hanging on a piece of thread. Drawover on a cg screenshot .

I tried to incorporate the feel of a rusty , old city with a LOT of dirt . Even the sky is rusted. This city depicts
the world we inhabit . The buildings depict broken relationships , the satellite depicts lack of communication
and the dirt depicts a general apathy towards anything positive. It's a draw over on a cg screenshot .